Saturday, August 31, 2013

July's WTA winner...

Roselyn Pratt won July's WTA(Winner Take All). It is a challenge swap that members of Paper_Traders load up an ATC to be given to the lottery winner for the month. Roselyn won July 2013's. I sent her the one I had made especially for the challenge. This is the first time anyone has ever sent me a picture of them holding my ATC! I love it!! Had to share!!!
Since there has been a change in the Yahoo group format, this month's WTA has been extended a week longer. Who will be the lucky winner for August? I won May 2013's! It is so cool to get everyone's in the mail at separate times! It's like Christmas in my mailbox....

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sold at the Puerto Rican Festival 2013

The Magi(The Three Kings) Spanish:  Los Reyes Magos

14x17 Collage
Tissue paper, wall paper, and other fiber papers with a few embellishments

This framed work was purchased as a gift for their sibling that celebrates the holiday on January 6th. I did not expect to sell it. It was displayed as 'show and tell' in the cultural tent. Who knew?!?